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Help us keep YOU at the center of science!

Do you remember visiting the Michigan Science Center, or any hands-on science center, as a kid? We hear from lots of visitors that one of their favorite memories is the Plasma Ball – how fun it was to put their hand on the ball and watch the light stream toward it! It’s experiences like these that many kids remember for years to come.

Hands-on science education makes a lifelong impact for so many people – whether that impact is the creation of a joyful memory, a favorite field trip, or even the spark that leads to a future career in a STEM field. Your gift today to support the Michigan Science Center will make a lasting impact for the children who visit this year.

As a nonprofit organization, we cannot do this work without your generous support. Will you give today to ensure that Mi-Sci can continue providing interactive ways for kids of all ages to explore and discover a passion for science?

Please click the button below to make your gift today.

Thank you!
