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Gracie Ermi

Job Title: Research Engineer; Field for Study: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science

Gracie Ermi is a Research Engineer at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Seattle, WA where she builds technology platforms to support wildlife research. Her work saves researchers’ time in interpreting and collecting data, so that they can work more efficiently. She’s worked on projects related to sharks, elephants, killer whales and bottlenose dolphins! As an Ambassador for the American Association for the Advancement of Science IF/THEN Initiative, Gracie shares her work and her STEM story with audiences around the world. Gracie holds both a B.S. and a M.S. in computer science from Western Washington University, and when she is not writing code, she enjoys knitting and hiking in the incredible Pacific Northwest.

Tell us about a hobby or activity you enjoy outside your STEM career.

I absolutely love knitting. Making things with my hands is the best way to shut my brain down at the end of the day! Similar to my experience learning to code, before I started knitting I had all these preconceived notions about what it was like or who participated in that activity, but it turns out that anyone can learn to do either activity and find out that they love it!
111912032 gracie ermi headshot

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