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Kay Savage

Data Scientist | Statistics and Computer Programming

Spotify’s Kay Savage is a data science powerhouse with a passion for story-telling with numbers. The need for data analysis is everywhere, so her career has taken her from Nashville to New York, from working in the energy sector to music technology. She now works for Spotify, the audio streaming platform, as a data science manager on their Product Insights team. By combining her expertise in statistics, data visualization, and mixed methods research, she turns complex datasets into insights that give a deeper understanding of Spotify listener behavior. When she is not shaking up the way companies see and serve their customers, Kay is also passionate about increasing the number of women in STEM careers; she is an integral member of the American Association of the Advancement of Science IF/THEN® Initiative, which is a group designed to further women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by empowering current innovators and inspiring the next generation of pioneers.

Tell us about a hobby or activity you enjoy outside your STEM career.

I love finding my top favorite artists, then researching the music of whoever is/was on tour with them! For example: did you know that the Beastie Boys opened for Madonna? Though they quickly rose to fame, there are many other up and coming artists acting as openers today!
111912032 ksavage headshot 2020

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