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Taylor Mock

Education Specialist / Marine Biology

Under the sea – that’s the life for me! Hi, I’m Taylor Mock, an Education Specialist at the Belle Isle Aquarium. Every day I teach people about life underwater. Whether that’s learning about waters close to home in the Great Lakes or looking at creatures from the depths of the oceans, it’s my job to make sure learning about aquatic environments is a swimmingly good time. My favorite part is sharing the unique world of marine life with students and empowering them to be conservation leaders in their communities. If you’re interested in learning more about the waters of the world and the creatures that call them home, I would love to connect with you!

If you could transform into any animal, what would it be and why?

Definitely a sea lion because they get to swim (gracefully, I might add!) in kelp forests and also sun themselves on the beach. What a life!
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