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Maria: Volunteer of the Month January 2020

María González is our January 2020 Volunteer of the Month. Continue reading to learn why she continues to volunteer at MiSci.

My name is María González and I am 46 years old. Since I was a child, I have always liked science. I wanted to be an astronaut, an architect, or an archaeologist like Indiana Jones. I became a mechanical engineer. I am a very passionate and curious person, and always feel the need to understand how things work. I love hands-on activities. It is the best way to learn new things!

My husband is from England and I am from Spain. We have traveled around the world for work and for leisure. In many of our vacations, we enjoyed visiting science museums. We are like big kids playing with the exhibitions! When we moved to Michigan in 2014 for my work as an Operations Manager in an automotive company, I discovered the Michigan Science Center, and we visited it several times.

I like to keep busy, learning new things, and it was visiting the Michigan Science Center booth at TEDxDetroit 2018 that I learned about the MiSci Volunteer opportunity and about the STEMinista Project and the STEMinista Role Models. I thought: “I’m in!”

I joined both teams: MiSci Volunteers and STEMinista Role Models and I love it!I have participated in several activities since then and it is a win-win situation. Both the visitors (adults and kids) and myself, always learn something in these events. I like teaching, coaching and motivating others to help them develop their potential. If I can help with my own experience and with examples I have seen along my professional career, even better.

I think what Michigan Science Center employees and volunteers are doing, not only for future generations but also for the adults, is amazing and invaluable work that, undoubtedly, will positively mark the lives of the visitors and the future of many kids.

Thank you for letting me be part of this!